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Left-handed model bass electric guitar

  • Standard Stratocaster Left Handed Electric Guitar

Left-handed model bass electric guitar

  • NO.: A123102
  • Weight: 7.000kilogram
  • Shop price: $399.00
  • Member: $399.00
  • Goods click count: 7025
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  • Standard Stratocaster Left Handed Electric Guitar lefty guitars lefty acoustic guitar left-handed acoustic electric guitars
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User Comment
James Astle    2016-09-06 08:29:09
At first glance the guitar, to make people comfortable and cool thoroughly, Asia luster, it is a gentleman, deep. The quality of the strings, with a good amount of bass, guitar sound makes beautiful, and customer service attitude, it is one. Very satisfied with the time shopping Di style guitar sound very satisfied with the color fast delivery recommended to buy oh
    2015-02-02 06:13:15
thanks a lot
2015-02-02 06:13:40   Administrator: letitbe  Reply
At first glance the guitar, to make people comfortable and cool thoroughly, Asia luster, it is a gentleman, deep. The quality of the strings, with a good amount of bass, guitar sound makes beautiful, and customer service attitude, it is one. Very satisfied with the time shopping Di style guitar sound very satisfied with the color fast delivery recommended to buy oh
    2015-01-28 03:49:42
thanks a lot
2015-01-28 03:50:21   Administrator: letitbe  Reply
Friends received the guitar ...... I feel like he can go the entertainer! Guitar good, although I am a layman, but it feels as an entry-level guitar has been very good! First tribute to the package, and initially worried about this kind of thing to buy online unsafe, nothing to worry about, very good guitar for beginners
    2015-01-26 07:06:07
thanks a lot
2015-01-26 07:06:30   Administrator: letitbe  Reply
Did not learn to buy a guitar to practice good hand feeling can follow tutorial videos to learn from, a very nice guitar, I liked it, customer service is also very good, logistics is to force, and today still raining, express master is also very hard, really like this guitar
    2015-01-16 08:14:54
welcome your inquiry
2015-01-16 08:15:15   Administrator: letitbe  Reply
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