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Best Acoustic Guitar-Martin Acoustic guitar d45 with fishman pickup system

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  • martin d45 chinese copy
  • martin d45 chinese copy
  • martin d45 chinese copy

Best Acoustic Guitar-Martin Acoustic guitar d45 with fishman pickup system

  • NO.: sl1406
  • Weight: 3.300kilogram
  • Shop price: $470.00
  • Member: $470.00
  • Goods click count: 20620
  • This goods is Free shipping, it is not included in the total fee distribution when calculating the distribution amount
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  • Sale custom Chinese Martin D45 guitar-best acoustic electric guitar of high quality,solid sitka spruce top,sides and back indian rosewood,nice workmanship and sound effect is perfect.
Goods Tag: fishman 301[1]  
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User Comment
I am msJang.
I sent an email yesterday, but I do not have a reply, so I ask again.
About the NO : sl1406 (Martin D45 with pickup system).
1) Does this product include guitar cases?
There are guitar cases in the photo.
2) Hear is India. Are there any additional fee?
If so, what is the additional fee?
3) Can products be delivered safely?
msJang    2018-11-12 23:57:21
Can products be delivered safely?
msJang    2018-11-11 22:27:50
Hi, Does this product include other cases?
There are other cases in the photo.
This is India. Are there any additional fee?
If so, what is the additional fee?
msJang    2018-11-11 22:16:31
Good evening gentlemen
I have been looking for details to do a wire transfer Ward to send money Western Union to Guitar of China.
Please reply ASAP as I would love to get this guitar going.

Thank you so much

Chris Reffner
ChrisG    2018-02-25 10:13:52
Hi,I would like to buy a Martin D-45 Dreadnought with a Fishman 301 pickup. How much does it cost with freight to USA in USA dollars.
Ray    2017-10-14 00:30:13
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